Weight Loss 

Imagine the benefits:

Imagine being able to wear the clothes you want to, eat without bingeing or snacking, not thinking constantly about food or keeping food a secret. Imagine how much healthier and in control you will feel as you lose weight safely and in your own time at your own pace. How much more confident and positive you will be about your future as you change your self-image.

"I came to Lorna after a recommendation from a friend because I had tried every diet known to man and kept failing miserably. I was feeling really depressed, my whole life was focused around my weight. To be honest I wasn't holding out much hope, but after losing 3lb in the first week, and actually feeling happier in myself than I have done in years, I was motivated to carry on.
I'm delighted to say that after the 6 week course, I have lost a total of 1st 3lb and the weight then continued to come off at a steady rate, and I'm now at my goal weight after losing a further 1st 4lbs and have maintained my current weight now for the past five months.
I highly recommend working with Lorna, she's a lovely woman and she made me feel at ease straight away. My life has changed, thank you Lorna".
Kate, Bebington

It is no surprise .....

.... to those of us who have ever experienced weight gain that it's not because we are fat, greedy or lazy. It's because there are unresolved emotional issues, past experiences, or any number of other factors which cause the weight gain in the first place. These factors can also contribute to the endless yo-yo dieting, lack of willpower or motivation to succeed. Therefore, Hypnotherapy is one of the most effective and powerful treatments available. Whether you are clinically obese or just need to lose a few pounds, it works!

Numerous scientific studies have shown that Hypnotherapy is more likely to support weight loss and maintain weight reduction, with clients losing up to twice as much weight as traditional methods.

Hypnotherapy is a proven, powerful, effective treatment for weight loss, however, just as if you attended one session at a gym, unfortunately you won't instantly develop an amazing body! Neither will it help you to lose 10lbs instantly!

Success comes from your desire to succeed, so it is very important that you are ready to take on this life changing commitment. If you don't feel that you can fully participate and commit to the regular sessions, then this treatment will not be effective for you.

As you are unique, your hypnotherapy treatment will be tailored to suit your specific needs and requirements and includes a four-week weight loss programme.
If you prefer, I also offer individual treatment sessions to specifically target unresolved emotional issues.

Your first consultation and treatment session will last approximately 120 minutes with further sessions lasting approximately 60 minutes.
Please see the price guide for treatment cost.

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