Sporting Performance 

Did you know?
Some of the greatest sporting legends such as the golfer Tiger Woods, heavyweight Boxing Champion Kevin McBride and Tennis star Andre Aggasi have all used hypnosis successfully to achieve amazing results.

Hypnotherapy can help sports performers and athletes to:

  • Remove limiting beliefs
  • Increase confidence and self esteem
  • Encourage motivation
  • Overcome procrastination
  • Increase stamina
  • Maintain focus and concentration
  • Visualise successful outcomes

The above list is by no means exhaustive.
Please feel free to contact me to discuss any additional benefits not mentioned here.

There are a number of factors that influence sporting abilities ....

These include; level of fitness, mental attitude and technical or practical ability.

Even though most sport performers or athletes concentrate on their physical performance and practical skills, they often overlook their mental attitude to their chosen sport and how they see themselves, either in competitive terms or training.

It's easy to find reasons for failure or negative 'self talk' but it's also just as easy to 'let go' of any limiting beliefs that may get in the way.

Research suggests that mental ability has more to do with sporting success than actual physical abilities.

Hypnotherapy is therefore incredibly beneficial in encouraging athletes and sports performers to focus on their objectives and goals and visualise or imagine themselves as successful.
This enables them to find their inner resources by controlling any negative 'self talk' or procrastination, to perform at their optimum abilities.

As you are unique, your hypnotherapy treatment will be tailored to suit your specific needs and requirements and can therefore range from anywhere between 2 or more sessions.

This will be entirely dependent on the initial consultation. The initial consultation and treatment session will last approximately 120 minutes with further sessions lasting approximately 60 minutes.

Please see the price guide for treatment cost.

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