
Depression is extremely prevalent in our society ...

and can affect about one in 10 of us at some point in our lives.

Imagine the benefits:

Imagine feeling happy, confident and full of energy, being able to enjoy those special moments in life, free from worrying thoughts and anxiety.
Imagine feeling hopeful, sleeping well and being able to focus on a positive future.

*for those suffering from depression and Bi-polar disorder it is important to seek medical advice and support from your GP first before engaging in Hypnotherapy.

Depression isn't just feeling fed up or unhappy ....

Someone suffering from depression can experience a range of symptoms such as restlessness, tiredness and lack of concentration to major symptoms such as; feelings of extreme hopelessness, fear, worthlessness, apprehension, and anxiety.

Depression can happen to anyone, at anytime. Sometimes, triggers such as bereavement, divorce, and loss of job or having a baby (post natal) can be responsible.

Depression can also be linked to other causes, such as Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), a history of depression running in families, or Bi-polar disorder, with extreme fluctuations in emotions and mood.

Hypnotherapy and Psychotherapy can help to overcome depression and its related symptoms, by reprogramming the mind to form new, positive associations, and changing limiting beliefs by looking at patterns of behaviours.

Hypnotherapy also looks at causal factors and offers positive solutions for therapeutic change.

As you are unique, your hypnotherapy treatment will be tailored to suit your specific needs and requirements and can therefore range from anywhere between 2 or more sessions.
This will be entirely dependent on the initial consultation.

The initial consultation and treatment session will last approximately 120 minutes with further sessions lasting approximately 60 minutes.

Please see the price guide for treatment cost.

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