Debbie Stanton D.Hyp, MAPHP, MIACT

Disclaimer: All content on this website is for informational purposes only. It is not meant to diagnose or act as an alternative for professional medical advice.
It does not replace the need for services by medical professionals and therefore any changes to your present medical care should be fully discussed with your GP.
Additionally, any questions concerning medical issues should also be directed towards your doctor. There are no guarantees in life that any course of action can solve anyone's issues.
However, I believe we all have an innate ability to heal ourselves given the right resources. It is this belief that led me to the world of Psychotherapy, and it is within this field of healing that I am committed to assist my clients in empowering themselves to reach their full potentials, achieve their goals and move forward with their lives, whilst at the same time overcoming any obstacles they may be facing.
Please note results not guaranteed and may vary depending on the individual.